Wherein a description of and commentary on the new Limberlost Visitor Center electronic sign is presented in vintage style
By Curt Burnette
The Limberlost Visitor Center, being a relatively new feature of our fair city of Geneva with a quite youthful age of only one and one half years, is now graced with an addition which might best be described as "newborn", having been installed less than two months ago and only becoming operational with the past month of this report. This being an electronic sign--a most marvelous device conceived by the ingenious minds of our modern technological era.
This electronic sign is housed within a large and attractive framework of gold and brown, which puts forth the name of the Limberlost State Historic Site Visitor Center clearly and displays the Luna moth logo prominently for motoring passers-by to see. Significant portions of this sturdy frame illuminate when darkness falls, so that even as the hustle and bustle of the day begins to diminish, it continues to attract the eye of all traveling near it.
However, it is the sign itself which quickly draws the avid attention of all who look that way, it being an object of much beauty and interest in its own right. This wonder of electric lighting is composed of numerous small lamps of a type of construction known as LEDs, which, under the direction of a small computing electronic brain, is capable of creating the most colorful and amazing displays of an informative nature. When the stout lads who oversee the historic site wish to inform both the local population and passers-by from numerous localities of an impending event which they might find entertaining and educational, or even if they merely want to extend their most pleasant best wishes for a holiday season, all they must do is instruct the electronic brain in what they desire, and it instructs the electronic sign to produce this desired result. The displays which burst forth dazzle the eye with their multitude of colors and vibrant motions, skipping merrily from time to temperature to hours of operation to the latest exciting upcoming event.
This marvel of illumination science is the first of its kind in our small community, no other business or institution having anything of a similar description. Genevaites can be justly proud of the fact that no other state historic site in all of Indiana can declare to be in possession of a signage device like it. Surely Geneva has gained another distinction which its citizens can warmly embrace.
Source: The Berne Tri-Weekly, June 2014.