The morning After the Flood, The Song of the Cardinal could be heard in the Music of the Wild. A Girl of the Limberlost sang with her Friends in Feathers as she skipped happily through the swamp. The girl was a Daughter of the Land. She loved all things in the swamp. She looked to the sky to see The Fire Bird and its brilliant Wings overhead. She smiled happily with a Morning Face and skipped along.
As she skipped along, she and a feather and thought to herself that Freckles would love to see this. She put it in her bag and went on her way. As she came to the edge of the swamp, she saw the White Flag and skipped even faster toward it. As she entered the Magic Garden, she saw Laddie and Michael O’Halloran.
She ran to them and yelled, “Guess What I Have Done With Birds? I have sung with them.”
“You have sung with birds!”
“Yes! Yes! I have sung with birds!” she said happily.
“The Harvester has told me Tales You Won’t Believe about Birds of the Bible.”
“The Keeper of the Bees told me about Moths of the Limberlost Homing With the Birds At the Foot of the Rainbow deep in the swamp.”
She smiled when she heard this news for she too knew of these tales from deep in the swamp. She looked up to the sky deep in thought, “Let Us Highly Resolve These Tales.”
She was Her Father’s Daughter and proud of it. In a kind gentle voice like her father’s she said, “The Limberlost is not just a place of magic but a place of wonder and caring like Jesus of the Emerald.”
The all looked at each other with a smile and skipped off into the swamp.
David Smuts wrote this essay incorporating titles of Gene Stratton-Porter’s books while a student at South Adams High School in the mid 1990s.